Monkey See, Monkey Do

I love monkeys! Always have. They are silly little creatures who are so stinking smart! They have learned to paint, type, build, and still manage to entertain us all the time! Honestly, look at that above picture and try to tell me that isn’t the silliest and cutest little guy ever!

This game came about during a lunch session at the private school when the lunch did not arrive on time. It was 5 minutes into our lunch time and we got the news that it would be another 10 minutes before the lunches arrived. What were we to do?! The kids were getting rowdy and noisy and worse, angry. So I made up this game on the spot.

Monkey See, Monkey Do is very similar to Simon Says. However, this is a silent game, and for most of the game, it will be run by the students. This game can either be played standing or sitting. That is completely up to you and how you run your classroom.

Here’s how it works.

  1. Explain to the students this is a silent game. If they talk they are out. If they do not follow the rules they are out. (Adaptation: Place them in “monkey jail” for one round. Then they can come in the next round and play again).
  2. Start with you as the “Monkey Trainer”. Whatever you do, the class must do. This will be movements with your arms, legs, feet, fingers, head, whatever! I generally start with some exercise moments, like jumping jacks, or if I’m sitting we nod our heads first. Just to get the feel of things.
  3. Whatever the “Trainer” does, the “monkeys” must also do. This goes on for a few minutes. The movements must be appropriate for class. Then you can call for a “New Trainer” and the process begins again.
  4. If the students are good about choosing new people every time you can allow the old trainer to pick the new one. If not, you choose or pull names out of a hat.

This game has worked very well for me at my last school and as a sub. All the students have liked the game so far and have made it their own. With the phenomenon of “The Dab”, I have seen many many MANY dabbing monkeys.

I hope you enjoy this game. The kids go bananas for it. 😉

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